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The Kestrel

Ayrshire Study

Satellite tagging of young kestrels

Annual Reports 2002-2014

Results summary - 1979-2003

Annual kestrel summaries - Scotland

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Annual Report 2014


Wet and windy weather characterised the beginning of the season up to the last week in March.   From then on conditions were good with dry sunny weather predominating till the end of July.   Unfortunately the trend of low territory occupation continued at just over 50%, with no kestrels recorded on several field days.   Of the 21 pairs which established on territory, 17 went on to breed and productivity was high.

Nine clutches were recorded, two of which had seven eggs, the average clutch size being 5.5, an indication that prey levels were good.   However at no nest site was there evidence of caching which is normally a sign of very high vole numbers.   Seventeen pairs reared 68 young, four per pair, a production rate of 3.2 per pair for all the established pairs including the pre-laying failures.   For the second year in succession July was warm and dry for the post fledging period.

The 2014 breeding statistics are as follows :-



2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008

Number of territories checked

43 48 46 38 37 39 41

% occupation

53 45 60 63 73 49 73

Number of clutches known

9 6 11 11 15 10 18

Average clutch size                

5.5 4.8 5.2 5.45 5.2 4.6 5.3

% of eggs which hatched

84 96 73 67 89 91 83

Number of results known

21 22 26 24 25 19 26

Average young per breeding pair

3.2 1.9 2.4 2.8 3.8 2.8 3.81

Average young per successful pair

4 3.5 3 3.5 4.4 3.4 4.3

Number of breeding attempts failed

4 9 5 5 3 4 3

% failed

19 40 19 21 12 21 11

% brood survival        

95 100 83 89 89 90 96

Number of young ringed

28 25 15 20 34 23 46

           Number of field days: 27


The four failed breeding attempts were at the pre-laying period with pairs holding territory but not laying.   Twenty eight young were ringed and fitted with colour rings – white numbers on red background.   Although funding was in place, a project to satellite tag young birds fell through and hopefully will be progressed in 2015.   A new batch of nest boxes, funded by Scottish Power and organized by the Dumfries and Galloway Raptor Study Group, were erected at the south end of the main study area near the energy company’s installations.No ringing recoveries were received.


GORDON RIDDLE October 2014