Kestrels For Company

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The Kestrel

Ayrshire Study

Satellite tagging of young kestrels

Annual Reports 2002-2014

Results summary - 1979-2003

Annual kestrel summaries - Scotland

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Annual Report 2012


Despite the open winter and good weather in March territory occupation was low at 60%.   Several of the traditional ‘banker’ territories were empty which was unusual.   From March onwards the weather deteriorated, April and May being mixed erring on the wet and June had one of the highest rainfall figures on record.   It was difficult to assess whether the low territory occupation was due to local conditions or part of the kestrel’s general decline.   Certainly the weather was a major factor on the production of young and this was compounded by the scarcity of voles.

The first egg laying dates were all in the second half of April, but those pairs which did breed produced reasonable sized clutches.   Productivity was poor, even lower than in the last really low vole year of 2009.   Brood survival was the poorest for many years probably due to the continuous rainfall with broods in crows’ nests and other exposed sites being in particularly poor condition.   Thirteen of the successful pairs reared either two or three young, a low productive rate for the study area.

The 2012 breeding statistics are as follows :-



2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007



Number of territories checked

46 38 37 39 41 34


% occupation

60 63 73 49 73 59


Number of clutches known

11 11 15 10 18 12


Average clutch size                

5.2 5.45 5.2 4.6 5.3 5.25


% of eggs which hatched

73 67 89 91 83 95


Number of results known

26 24 25 19 26 17


Average young per breeding pair

2.4 2.8 3.8 2.8 3.81 4


Average young per successful pair

3 3.5 4.4 3.4 4.3 5.15


Number of breeding attempts failed

5 5 3 4 3 3


% failed

19 21 12 21 11 17


% brood survival        

83 89 89 90 96 93


Number of young ringed

15 20 34 23 46 44


           Number of field days: 32


Two failures occurred at the prelaying stage, two at the clutch stage and one pair lost its brood.   Only fifteen young kestrels were ringed and there were no ringing recoveries from previous years’ birds.


GORDON RIDDLE September 2012